Passive Drug Detection Dogs

Using dogs to detect drugs


Trying to detect drugs without the legally problematic business of physically searching an individual is a common problem for those in the security industry. Consequently, this is one of many situations where we need to call on the services of our four-footed canine colleagues, the passive drug detection dog.

We all know how our pet pooch can locate a rotten aniseed ball down the back of the sofa from the back garden? Well, they can use that extraordinary sense of smell for detecting less innocent substances too. Dogs are routinely trained to seek out cannabis, heroin, coke, amphetamines and almost every variety of recreational drugs. This can be a great aid to security, whether for a concert or major social event, a prison, or even a school.

Sniffing a Line

Our furry friend may be used to patrol a queue of people with their handler. There’s no need to touch anybody; the dog can pick up the smell from feet away. When they do, they simply sit in front of the suspect with that baleful look, expectant of a reward. The handler can then notify the appropriate officials, and the unsuspecting offender can be apprehended. Doggy chocs all round!

Looking for Leads

Whatever your business, dogs can be a very versatile aid to security. One of the great things about passive detection dogs is they don’t even need to be deployed in such an overt way. They can be used to examine bags and cases, to check out cloakrooms and toilets. They can actively search areas where people gather, or where drugs can be stashed for later collection. And for anyone who happens to be carrying prohibited substances, there’s not a lot they can do about it.


Man’s Best Friend

As with any working animal, passive detection dogs need thorough training and to be cared for in the right environment. So if you need the services of a canine detective, be sure to source one through a professional and reputable security organisation.

For further information on our drug detection dog services, contact Hallmark Security today.